Bryan Winn, MD

+1 415 502-6374

Bryan J. Winn, MD, is a Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology at UCSF and Chief of Ophthalmology at the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center. He is board-certified in Ophthalmology and a fellow of the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ASOPRS), specializing in the medical and surgical management of eyelid, lacrimal, and orbital disorders, as well as aesthetic rejuvenation of the face.

Dr. Winn graduated Summa Cum Laude from Amherst College where he was elected to the Phi Beta Kappa honor society. He completed his medical school training at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in 2003. There he was elected to the Alpha Omega Alpha medical honor society and was awarded the Edith and Denton McKane Memorial Award for outstanding research in ophthalmology and the prestigious Janeway Prize for the highest achievement and abilities in the graduating class. Between his third and fourth years of medical school, he completed a clinical research fellowship in Ocular Electrophysiology and Neuro-ophthalmology at Columbia University.

Following an internship specializing in Internal Medicine at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, he was a resident in Ophthalmology at UCSF. After residency, Dr. Winn completed a two-year fellowship in Oculoplastic Surgery accredited by the American Society of Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ASOPRS) in Seattle, WA. During this time, he developed broad clinical and surgical expertise in ophthalmic plastic surgery as well as aesthetic facial rejuvenation techniques. He joined the oculoplastic surgery faculty in the Department of Ophthalmology at Columbia University in 2009 where he served as the Chief of Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery until 2018. At Columbia he was also the Director of Medical Student Education, Ophthalmology Residency Program Director, Quality and Patient Safety Chair for Ophthalmology, and Associate Designated Institutional Official for Graduate Medical Education for the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital System.

In addition to his clinical practice at UCSF and role as Ophthalmology Chief at the San Francisco Veterans Administration Medical Center, Dr. Winn is actively involved research on ocular surface and eyelid inflammation, thyroid eye disease and the roles of environment, nutrition and the human microbiome on chronic and inflammatory eye and orbital diseases. Dr. Winn has published over 40 peer-reviewed scientific articles and several book chapters. He frequently presents at international, national, and state scientific and professional meetings. He is a member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), the American Society of Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ASOPRS), the North American Society of Academic Orbital Surgeons (NASAOS), and International Thyroid Eye Disease Society (ITEDS).

Always with a smile, Dr. Winn is a caring and understanding physician, merging clinical acumen with a warm bedside manner. His philosophy of medical care reflects this: “So much of medicine today is run like an assembly line in a high-volume factory, often falling short of creating a quality product. I believe there is still a place for the thinker, craftsman, and innovator. I’d much rather take the time necessary to tease out the correct diagnosis, custom-design a treatment plan with my patient, and execute that plan with painstaking attention to detail than be an ‘assembly line’ physician.”


T-Shaped Wedge Resection of the Upper Eyelid: An Alternative to the Pentagonal Wedge.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Ghadiali LK, Zemsky C, Gerber A, Campbell BC, Jiro MC, Casper DS, Lee HBH, Nunnery WR, Burgett R, Burgett K, Winn BJ

Quality of Life in Patients With Acquired Anophthalmia Using an Ocular Prosthesis.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Meer E, Miller AC, Ahmad M, Arnold BF, Kersten RC, Grob SR, Winn BJ, Afshar AR, Vagefi MR

Quality of Life in Patients With Acquired Anophthalmia Using an Ocular Prosthesis.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Meer E, Miller AC, Ahmad M, Arnold BF, Kersten RC, Grob SR, Winn BJ, Afshar AR, Vagefi MR

The role of oculoplastic surgeons in minimally invasive cosmetic injectables.

Current opinion in ophthalmology

Meer E, Lopez J, Lu J, Winn BJ, Grob SR

Glaucoma and the Human Microbiome.

Journal of glaucoma

Chang CJ, Liu B, Liebmann JM, Cioffi GA, Winn BJ

Eye and Orbit Injuries Caused by Electric Scooters and Hoverboards in the United States.

Clinical ophthalmology (Auckland, N.Z.)

Ruan MZC, Meer E, Kaur G, Namiri NK, Ashraf DC, Winn BJ, Kersten R, Vagefi MR, Grob S

Bilateral Facial Palsy: A Rare Presenting Symptom for Inclusion Body Myositis.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Meer E, Ahmad M, Grob S, Winn BJ

Evaluating for unrecognized deficits in perimetry associated with functional upper eyelid malposition.

Advances in ophthalmology practice and research

Wang L, Ashraf DC, Deiner M, Idowu OO, Grob SR, Winn BJ, Vagefi MR, Kersten RC

Outcomes for expanded polytetrafluoroethylene strip in frontalis suspension surgery.

Orbit (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Meer E, Ahmad M, Lifton J, Mosenia A, Ashraf DC, Grob S, Vagefi MR, Winn BJ, Kersten RC

Cutaneous Mucormycosis of the Eyelid Treated With Subcutaneous Liposomal Amphotericin B Injections.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Smith LD, Ahmad M, Ashraf DC, Kersten RC, Winn BJ, Grob SR, Vagefi MR

Eye Trauma in Mixed Martial Arts and Boxing.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Chang CC, Saifee M, Ton L, Ashraf D, Winn BJ, Kersten R, Vagefi MR, Deiner M, Grob SR

Poorly differentiated orbital neuroendocrine carcinoma.

BMJ case reports

Zhang YS, Jiro M, Pekmezci M, Winn B

Salary Negotiations: Gender Differences in Attitudes, Priorities and Behaviors of Ophthalmologists.

American journal of ophthalmology

Sood S, Lidder AK, Elgin C, Law JC, Shukla AG, Winn BJ, Khouri AS, Miller-Ellis EG, Laudi J, SooHoo JR, DeVience E, Syed MF, Zerkin A, Al-Aswad LA

Metagenomic Deep Sequencing for Orbital Inflammatory Disease.

Ocular immunology and inflammation

Vagefi MR, Idowu OO, Miller A, Doan T, Chen C, Hinterwirth A, Zhong L, Ahmad M, Ashraf DC, Grob SR, Kersten RC, Winn BJ

Oral Corticosteroids for Teprotumumab-Related Hearing Loss: A Case Report.

Case reports in ophthalmology

Lu TJ, Amarikwa L, Winn BJ, Inserra M, Dosiou C, Kossler AL

Perceived Barriers to Increasing Diversity within Oculofacial Plastic Surgery.

Journal of academic ophthalmology (2017)

Maru JA, Carvajal ND, de Alba Campomanes AG, Parikh N, Ashraf DC, Kersten RC, Winn BJ, Vagefi MR, Grob SR

Orbital tuberculosis: a case report and update on the role of imaging in treatment.

Orbit (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Sohail M, Maniar A, Winn BJ, Patel S, Famuyide A, Dagi Glass LR

Augmentation of telemedicine post-operative follow-up after oculofacial plastic surgery with a self-guided patient tool.

Orbit (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Ashraf DC, Miller A, Ahmad M, Smith LD, Grob SR, Winn BJ, Kersten RC, Vagefi MR

Exploring Potential Schedule-Related and Gender Biases in Ophthalmology Residency Interview Scores.

Journal of academic ophthalmology (2017)

Chang CJ, Moussa O, Chen RWS, Glass LRD, Cioffi GA, Liebmann JM, Winn BJ

Topical Glaucoma Therapy Is Associated With Alterations of the Ocular Surface Microbiome.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Chang CJ, Somohano K, Zemsky C, Uhlemann AC, Liebmann J, Cioffi GA, Al-Aswad LA, Lynch SV, Winn BJ

Oxytocin and secretin receptors - implications for dry eye syndrome and ocular pain.

Frontiers in ophthalmology

Lopez JB, Chang CC, Kuo YM, Chan MF, Winn BJ

Efficacy of Preoperative Risk Stratification on Resident Phacoemulsification Surgeries.

Clinical ophthalmology (Auckland, N.Z.)

Moussa O, Frank T, Valenzuela IA, Aliancy J, Gong D, De Rojas JO, Dagi Glass LR, Winn BJ, Cioffi GA, Chen RWS

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Prognostic Findings for Visual and Mortality Outcomes in Acute Invasive Fungal Rhinosinusitis.


Idowu OO, Soderlund KA, Laguna B, Ashraf DC, Arnold BF, Grob SR, Winn BJ, Russell MS, Kersten RC, Dillon WP, Vagefi MR

Efficacy of Care and Antibiotic Use for Chalazia and Hordeola.

Eye & contact lens

Alsoudi AF, Ton L, Ashraf DC, Idowu OO, Kong AW, Wang L, Kersten RC, Winn BJ, Grob SR, Vagefi MR

Polymicrobial odontogenic periorbital and orbital necrotizing fasciitis (PONF): A case report.

American journal of ophthalmology case reports

Mosenia A, Shahlaee A, Giese I, Winn BJ

Ophthalmology Medical Student Directors, Associate Residency Program Directors, and Program Directors: A Benchmarking Study of Work and Life Metrics.

Journal of academic ophthalmology (2017)

Dagi Glass LR, De Moraes CG, Wright MA, Winn BJ, Chen RWS, Cioffi GA

Quality-of-Life Outcomes for Excision and Reconstruction of Periocular Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer.

Facial plastic surgery & aesthetic medicine

Kinde B, Idowu OO, Ashraf DC, Chen RM, Hirabayashi KE, Grob SR, Winn BJ, Kersten RC, Vagefi MR

Outcomes of a Modified Treatment Ladder Algorithm using Retrobulbar Amphotericin B for Invasive Fungal Rhino-Orbital Sinusitis.

American journal of ophthalmology

Ashraf DC, Idowu OO, Hirabayashi KE, Kalin-Hajdu E, Grob SR, Winn BJ, Vagefi MR, Kersten RC

Intravenous Catheter Employed in Peritrochlear Injection of Triamcinolone in the Treatment of Trochleitis.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Rubenstein JA, Chang CC, Idowu OO, Winn BJ

Patient-Specific Implants in Oculofacial Plastic Surgery.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Copperman TS, Idowu OO, Jalaj S, Winn BJ, Pham C, Setabutr P, Kersten RC, Vagefi MR

Punctal Congestion Syndrome: A Reversible, Functional Punctal Stenosis Causing Epiphora in the Setting of Chronic Pretarsal Conjunctivitis.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Bian Y, Scofield-Kaplan SM, Zemsky C, Campagnoli T, Ghadiali L, Dagi Glass LR, Sallee B, Belsito DV, Winn BJ

Acute Invasive Rhino-Orbital Mucormycosis in a Patient With COVID-19-Associated Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Mekonnen ZK, Ashraf DC, Jankowski T, Grob SR, Vagefi MR, Kersten RC, Simko JP, Winn BJ

Case Report: Crying Blood.

Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry

Idowu OO, Kaidonis G, Husain S, Winn BJ

Henoch-Schönlein Purpura Associated With Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma of the Orbit.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Bian Y, Oropesa S, Idowu OO, Kudose S, Husain S, Bhagat G, Winn BJ

Gender Compensation Gap for Ophthalmologists in the First Year of Clinical Practice.


Jia JS, Lazzaro A, Lidder AK, Elgin C, Alcantara-Castillo J, Gedde SJ, Khouri AS, Shukla AG, Sperber LTD, Law JC, Modi YS, Kim ET, SooHoo JR, Winn BJ, Chen RW, Al-Aswad LA

Bilateral superior ophthalmic vein thrombosis associated with high altitude.

Orbit (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Shahlaee A, Hennein LM, Winn BJ, Dillon WP, Rasool N

Floppy eyelid syndrome: ocular and systemic associations.

Current opinion in ophthalmology

Idowu OO, Ashraf DC, Vagefi MR, Kersten RC, Winn BJ

Effect of Topical Periocular Steroid Use on Intraocular Pressure: A Retrospective Analysis.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Maeng MM, De Moraes CG, Winn BJ, Dagi LRG

Gender Differences in Case Volume Among Ophthalmology Residents.

JAMA ophthalmology

Gong D, Winn BJ, Beal CJ, Blomquist PH, Chen RW, Culican SM, Dagi Glass LR, Domeracki GF, Goshe JM, Jones JK, Khouri AS, Legault GL, Martin TJ, Mitchell KT, Naseri A, Oetting TA, Olson JH, Pettey JH, Reinoso MA, Reynolds AL, Siatkowski RM, SooHoo JR, Sun G, Syed MF, Tao JP, Taravati P, WuDunn D, Al-Aswad LA

Young Woman Referred for a Drooping Eyelid.

JAMA facial plastic surgery

Oh JK, Winn BJ, Dagi Glass LR

Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials in dacryocystorhinostomy with and without silicone intubation.

Canadian journal of ophthalmology. Journal canadien d'ophtalmologie

Ing EB, Bedi H, Hussain A, Zakrewski H, Ing R, Nijhawan N, Al-Sayyed A, Winn BJ

Reversible cicatricial ectropion associated with EGFR inhibitors.

Orbit (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Scofield-Kaplan S, Todaro J, Winn BJ

Dilated Superior Ophthalmic Vein: Clinical and Radiographic Features of 113 Cases.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Adam CR, Shields CL, Gutman J, Kim HJ, Hayek B, Shore JW, Braunstein A, Levin F, Winn BJ, Vrcek I, Mancini R, Linden C, Choe C, Gonzalez M, Altschul D, Ortega-Gutierrez S, Paramasivam S, Fifi JT, Berenstein A, Durairaj V, Shinder R

Metastatic Colon Cancer to the Sphenoid Wing and Ethmoid Sinus Mimicking Orbital Cellulitis: A Rare Presentation.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Scofield S, Oktavec K, Raciti P, Winn B

Jak2 mutation-positive polycythemia vera presenting as central retinal artery occlusion.

Retinal cases & brief reports

Dhrami-Gavazi E, Lee W, Horowitz JD, Odel J, Mukkamala SK, Blumberg DM, Weiss M, Winn BJ

The lateral brow: position in relation to age, gender, and ethnicity.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Glass LR, Lira J, Enkhbold E, Dimont E, Scofield S, Sherwood PR, Winn BJ

Subperiosteal orbital hematoma after balloon sinus dilation.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Winn BJ, Chan P, Krueger RA, Sires BS

Timolol drops causing reversible psoriatic fingernail changes.

JAMA ophthalmology

Glass LR, Nguyen M, Winn BJ, Schrier A

Standardized suture placement for mini-invasive ptosis surgery.

Archives of facial plastic surgery

Ahuero AE, Winn BJ, Sires BS

Lyme-associated orbital inflammation presenting as painless subacute unilateral ptosis.

Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society

Xu L, Winn BJ, Odel JG

Isolated squamous cell carcinoma of the orbital apex.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Peckinpaugh JL, Winn BJ, Barrett RV, Jacobsen DW, Sires BS, Meyer DR, Jian-Amadi A

Sclerosing orbital inflammation and systemic disease.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Winn BJ, Rootman J

Laterality of brain and ocular lesions in Aicardi syndrome.

Pediatric neurology

Cabrera MT, Winn BJ, Porco T, Strominger Z, Barkovich AJ, Hoyt CS, Wakahiro M, Sherr EH

Re: "Prospective randomized comparison of external dacryocystorhinostomy with and without silicone intubation".

The British journal of ophthalmology

Winn BJ, Smith SD, Garcia DD, Jian-Amadi A, Sires BS

Measurement of eyebrow position from inferior corneal limbus to brow: a new technique.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Cole EA, Winn BJ, Putterman AM

Intravenous pyogenic granuloma of the angular vein.

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Winn BJ, Herreid PA, Sires BS

Re: "The hydrogel lacrimal stent for dacryocystorhinostomy: preliminary experience".

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery

Winn BJ, Sires BS

Facial nerve injury during external dacryocystorhinostomy.


Vagefi MR, Winn BJ, Lin CC, Sires BS, LauKaitis SJ, Anderson RL, McCann JD

Spontaneous resolution of a traumatic cataract caused by an intralenticular foreign body.

Journal of cataract and refractive surgery

Rofagha S, Day S, Winn BJ, Ou JI, Bhisitkul RB, Chiu CS

Repair of descemet membrane detachments with the assistance of anterior segment optical coherence tomography.

Archives of ophthalmology (Chicago, Ill. : 1960)

Winn BJ, Lin SC, Hee MR, Chiu CS

Neuroprotective effect of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide against photoreceptor apoptosis in a rabbit model of subretinal hemorrhage.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Bhisitkul RB, Winn BJ, Lee OT, Wong J, Pereira Dde S, Porco TC, He X, Hahn P, Dunaief JL

Intracranial pressure returns to normal about a month after stopping tetracycline antibiotics.

Archives of ophthalmology (Chicago, Ill. : 1960)

Winn BJ, Liao YJ, Horton JC

All in the timing.

The British journal of ophthalmology

Winn BJ

Multifocal visual evoked potentials to cone specific stimuli in patients with retinitis pigmentosa.

Vision research

Holopigian K, Shuwairi SM, Greenstein VC, Winn BJ, Zhang X, Carr RE, Hood DC

Interpreting the multifocal visual evoked potential: the effects of refractive errors, cataracts, and fixation errors.

The British journal of ophthalmology

Winn BJ, Shin E, Odel JG, Greenstein VC, Hood DC

Detecting early to mild glaucomatous damage: a comparison of the multifocal VEP and automated perimetry.

Investigative ophthalmology & visual science

Hood DC, Thienprasiddhi P, Greenstein VC, Winn BJ, Ohri N, Liebmann JM, Ritch R

The multifocal visual evoked potential.

Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society

Hood DC, Odel JG, Winn BJ

The multifocal electroretinogram.

Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society

Hood DC, Odel JG, Chen CS, Winn BJ

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