The Benioff Center for Microbiome Medicine at UCSF
The BCMM provides a centralized home for the healthcare-based community of human microbiome researchers across the University of California, San Francisco, invested in exploring the human microbiome’s potential to predict, prevent and treat a wide range of diseases.
Major Areas of Support
- Funding to conduct innovative, integrative studies to accelerate our capacity to predict and prevent childhood disease and to develop new microbiome-based strategies to treat existing conditions
- Training program for the next generation of physicians and scientists specializing in the human microbiome
- Annual symposium to promote education and collaboration in the field
- Summer internship program for Bay Area youth
- Support to maintain and expand the Center’s team of dedicated healthcare-centered faculty and staff
- Advanced Collaborative (CoLab) facilities housing next-generation platforms and technical expertise to support genomic and molecular microbiome studies
- Expansion of our gnotobiotic mouse facility to facilitate pre-clinical testing of novel therapies
Your Donations Make a Difference
Your generosity keeps us nimble and innovative, able to take on promising opportunities and advance our mission. Please consider donating to support our efforts.