Become a BCMM Member

Join the community of UCSF trainees, clinicians, and scientists who recognize that the human microbiome plays a key role in preventing, predicting, and treating disease.

Community Values

In September 2020, we hosted a microbiome community circle to reflect and discuss how to embody our community's values as we build out the BCMM. The values that emerged are illustrated in the word cloud (right).

Do these values resonate with you? Join us!

Membership Benefits

Membership benefits include access to BCMM research funding opportunities, priority access to research facilities, educational programming, and social events. A full list of benefits is below.

Research and Education

  • Membership is a requirement for BCMM funding programs, including the Microbiome Research Program and Trainee Travel Awards.
  • Members receive notifications about internal and external funding announcements
  • Participate in Microbiome Ignite Talks and other workshops


  • Members are eligible to serve on the BCMM Executive Committee, Trainee Ambassador, and/or serve on BCMM sub-committees and task forces
  • Members and their labs are invited to participate in monthly social networking events with BCMM and ImmunoX members

Membership Criteria

Below are the criteria for BCMM membership:

  • An appointment at UCSF
  • Actively engaged in, or have a new interest in, microbiome research.
  • Members in good-standing (actively participating) might be asked to participate in the yearly survey to provide information used to categorize members and their lab members.
  • After membership is approved, members are asked to present a short (20 minute) "Ignite Talk" for the BCMM community.

Membership Responsibilities

The BCMM performs a membership review every few years, at which time inactive members will be retired from the program. Retired members may be invited to re-apply for membership as their schedule and interest allows.

Commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion: In alignment with our values to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout the BCMM, all eligible members (currently faculty and staff) are required to complete the UCSF Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training. Failure to complete this training will result in withdrawal of BCMM membership. View the schedule of upcoming trainings.

Membership Application

UCSF trainees, clinicians, and scientists with a full-time appointment can apply for BCMM membership by filling out the application below. Potential members may also be contacted upon review and approval of membership.

SUBmIT your application