Dr. Walker is a medical oncologist with a specific focus on gastrointestinal cancers. He maintains clinical practices at UCSF and the San Francisco VA.
Christos Fountzilas, Andrew H. Ko, Erkut Hasan Borazanci, James Thomas D'Olimpio, Joel R Hecht, Shou-Ching Tang, Anthony F. Shields, Mohamad Adham Salkeni, glenn C michelson, Lorna Liganor, Gene Cho, Sangsook Ahn Cho, Evan Justin Walker
Christos Fountzilas, Andrew H. Ko, Erkut Hasan Borazanci, James Thomas D'Olimpio, J. Randolph Hecht, Shou-Ching Tang, Anthony F. Shields, Mohamad Adham Salkeni, Glenn Michelson, Gene Cho, Lorna Liganor, Sangsook Ahn Cho, Evan Justin Walker
Evan Justin Walker, Christos Fountzilas, Erkut Hasan Borazanci, Anthony F. Shields, James Thomas D'Olimpio, J. Randolph Hecht, Shou-Ching Tang, Glenn Michelson, Lorna Liganor, Sangsook Ahn Cho, Andrew H. Ko
The Benioff Center for Microbiome Medicine (BCMM) stands committed to dismantling the structural barriers to education, research and employment endemic in our society, to promoting awareness of implicit bias and reinforcing inclusivity.