Sasha Gorrell, PhD

Assistant Professory
+1 415 502-2716

Next Steps in Use of the Eating Disorder Examination and Related Eating Disorder Assessments: A Call for Consensus.

The International journal of eating disorders

Reilly EE, Gorrell S, Chapa DAN, Drury CR, Stalvey E, Goldschmidt AB, Le Grange D

The Effect of Preadmission Energy Balance on Short-Term Medical Outcomes: Findings From the Study of Refeeding to Optimize Inpatient Gains.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Downey AE, Kapphahn CJ, Gorrell S, Vendlinski SS, Cheng J, Le Grange D, Accurso EC, Buckelew SM, Kreiter A, Marsal B, Wright P, Golden NH, Garber AK

Weight Stigma in the Development, Maintenance, and Treatment of Eating Disorders: A Case Series Informing Implications for Research and Practice.

Research on child and adolescent psychopathology

Kramer R, Drury CR, Forsberg S, Bruett LD, Reilly EE, Gorrell S, Singh S, Hail L, Yu K, Radin RM, Keyser J, Le Grange D, Accurso EC, Huryk KM

Predictors of treatment outcome in higher levels of care among a large sample of adolescents with heterogeneous eating disorders.

Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health

Reilly EE, Gorrell S, Duffy A, Blalock DV, Mehler P, Brandt H, McClanahan S, Zucker K, Lynch N, Singh S, Drury CR, Grange DL, Rienecke RD

Innovative and Emerging Treatments for Anorexia Nervosa.

Focus (American Psychiatric Publishing)

Downey AE, Gorrell S

Examining putamen resting-state connectivity markers of suicide attempt history in depressed adolescents.

Frontiers in psychiatry

Tymofiyeva O, Ho TC, Connolly CG, Gorrell S, Rampersaud R, Darrow SM, Max JE, Yang TT

Testing associations between assessments of cognitive flexibility and eating disorder symptoms in adolescent bulimia nervosa.

The International journal of eating disorders

Singh S, Gorrell S, Matheson BE, Reilly EE, Lock JD, Le Grange D

Preventing eating pathology among elite adolescent ballet dancers: a pilot trial of the Athlete Body Project.

Eating disorders

Gorrell S, Sanzari CM, Ziegenhardt PS, Spell J, Johnson MG, Whitlow B, Saigal M

Short-term outcomes of the study of refeeding to optimize inpatient gains for patients with atypical anorexia nervosa.

The International journal of eating disorders

Garber AK, Cheng J, Accurso EC, Buckelew SM, Downey AE, Le Grange D, Gorrell S, Kapphahn CJ, Kreiter A, Moscicki AB, Golden NH

Characterising use of recovery record among a large, transdiagnostic sample of adults with eating disorders across higher levels of care.

European eating disorders review : the journal of the Eating Disorders Association

Reilly EE, Gorrell S, Johnson C, Duffy A, Blalock DV, Mehler P, Johnson M, Le Grange D, Rienecke RD

Modification of an inpatient medical management protocol for pediatric Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder: improving the standard of care.

Journal of eating disorders

Gorrell S, Vendlinski SS, Thompson AS, Downey AE, Kramer R, Hail L, Clifton S, Forsberg S, Reilly EE, Saunders E, Buckelew SM, Le Grange D

Neural response to expecting a caloric sweet taste stimulus predicts body mass index longitudinally among young adult women with anorexia nervosa.

Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging

Gorrell S, Shott ME, Pryor T, Frank GKW

An exploration of the association between premorbid weight status on patient and caregiver factors at pre and post-treatment among youth with anorexia nervosa/atypical anorexia nervosa.

Eating behaviors

Kramer R, Radin R, Forsberg S, Garber AK, Reilly EE, Hail L, Huryk KM, Keyser J, Bruett LD, Le Grange D, Gorrell S, Accurso EC

Parental self-efficacy: Longitudinal impact on clinical outcomes across levels of care in adolescent anorexia nervosa.

The International journal of eating disorders

Gorrell S, Downey AE, Saunders E, Accurso EC, Buckelew S, Kreiter A, Le Grange D, Garber AK

How best to support parents of children with an eating disorder: A commentary on Wilksch (2023).

The International journal of eating disorders

Gorrell S, Le Grange D

Weight status and weight-control exercise in adolescents: A longitudinal population-based study.

Eating behaviors

Gorrell S, Hughes EK, Patton GC, Sawyer SM, Le Grange D, Kerr JA

Open Science in eating disorders: Using current evidence to inspire a plan for increasing the transparency of our research.

The International journal of eating disorders

Gorrell S, Cohen S, Schaumberg K, Anderson LM, Reilly EE

Care utilization in eating disorders: for whom are multiple episodes of care more likely?

Eating and weight disorders : EWD

Gorrell S, Le Grange D, Blalock DV, Hutchinson V, Johnson M, Duffy A, Mehler PS, Johnson C, Manwaring J, McClanahan S, Rienecke RD

Treating Adolescent Bulimia Nervosa.

Sasha Gorrell, Leigh Brosof, Lisa Hail, Daniel Le Grange

Characterizing changes in obsessive-compulsive symptoms over the course of treatment for adolescent bulimia nervosa.

The International journal of eating disorders

Reilly EE, Gorrell S, Brosof L, Lock J, Grange DL

Development of evidence-informed bridge programming to support an increased need for eating disorder services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Journal of eating disorders

Bruett LD, Forsberg S, Accurso EC, Gorrell S, Hail L, Keyser J, Le Grange D, Huryk KM

Understanding non-routine discharge: Factors that are associated with premature termination from higher levels of care in adults with anorexia nervosa.

Eating disorders

Gorrell S, Rienecke RD, Duffy A, Huston E, Mehler PS, Johnson C, Manwaring J, McClanahan S, Blalock DV, Le Grange D

Family-based treatment for eating disorders.

Sasha Gorrell, Erin Reilly, Daniel Le Grange

Family-based treatment for pediatric eating disorders: Evidence and guidance for delivering integrated interdisciplinary care.

Children's health care : journal of the Association for the Care of Children's Health

Forsberg S, Gorrell S, Accurso EC, Trainor C, Garber A, Buckelew S, Le Grange D

Gender-based clinical differences in evidence-based treatment for adolescent anorexia nervosa: analysis of aggregated randomized controlled trials.

Eating and weight disorders : EWD

Gorrell S, Hughes EK, Sawyer SM, Roberts SR, Nagata JM, Yeo M, Lock J, Le Grange D

Psychosocial etiology of maladaptive exercise and its role in eating disorders: A systematic review.

The International journal of eating disorders

Gorrell S, Flatt RE, Bulik CM, Le Grange D

Gender identity, race/ethnicity and eating pathology in a treatment-seeking community sample.

Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy

Gorrell S, Le Grange D, Blalock DV, Mehler PS, Johnson C, Manwaring J, Duffy A, Huston E, McClanahan S, Rienecke RD

Family-Based Treatment for Eating Disorders.

Sasha Gorrell, Daniel Le Grange

Using Remote Methods to Deliver Evidence-Based Treatment for Eating Disorders.

Claire Trainor, Sasha Gorrell, Kristen Anderson, Daniel Le Grange


Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Sasha Gorrell

Consequences of Repeated Critical versus Neutral Body Checking in Women with High Shape or Weight Concern.

Behavior Therapy

D. Catherine Walker, Sasha Gorrell, Tom Hildebrandt, Drew A. Anderson

Psychotropic medication use in treatment-seeking youth with eating disorders.

European eating disorders review : the journal of the Eating Disorders Association

Gorrell S, Lebow J, Kinasz K, Mitchell JE, Goldschmidt AB, Le Grange D, Accurso EC

Expressed Emotion and Anorexia Nervosa.

Sasha Gorrell, Daniel Le Grange

Dopaminergic activity and exercise behavior in anorexia nervosa.

OBM neurobiology

Gorrell S, Collins AGE, Le Grange D, Yang TT

Associations between ergogenic supplement use and eating behaviors among university students.

Eating disorders

Nagata JM, Peebles R, Hill KB, Gorrell S, Carlson JL

Remission in adolescents with bulimia nervosa: Empirical evaluation of current conceptual models.

European eating disorders review : the journal of the Eating Disorders Association

Gorrell S, Matheson BE, Lock J, Le Grange D

Family-based treatment for adolescent anorexia nervosa: What happens to rates of comorbid diagnoses?

European eating disorders review : the journal of the Eating Disorders Association

Trainor C, Gorrell S, Hughes EK, Sawyer SM, Burton C, Le Grange D

Delivery of Family-Based Treatment for Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa in a Public Health Care Setting: Research Versus Non-Research Specialty Care.

Frontiers in psychiatry

Le Grange D, Gorrell S, Hughes EK, Accurso EC, Yeo M, Pradel M, Sawyer SM

Compulsive exercise or exercise dependence? Clarifying conceptualizations of exercise in the context of eating disorder pathology.

Psychology of Sport and Exercise

Christina Scharmer, Sasha Gorrell, Katherine Schaumberg, Drew Anderson

Eating behavior and reasons for exercise among competitive collegiate male athletes.

Eating and weight disorders : EWD

Gorrell S, Nagata JM, Hill KB, Carlson JL, Shain AF, Wilson J, Alix Timko C, Hardy KK, Lock J, Peebles R


Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Kathryn R. Kinasz, Sasha Gorrell, Claire Trainor, Daniel Le Grange

Eating Disorders in Males.

Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America

Gorrell S, Murray SB

Update on Treatments for Adolescent Bulimia Nervosa.

Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America

Gorrell S, Le Grange D

Interpersonal Abuse and Long-term Outcomes Following Bariatric Surgery.

Obesity surgery

Gorrell S, Mahoney CT, Lent M, Campbell LK, Wood GC, Still C

The impact of urbanization on risk for eating disorders.

Current opinion in psychiatry

Gorrell S, Trainor C, Le Grange D

Family-based Treatment of Eating Disorders: A Narrative Review.

The Psychiatric clinics of North America

Gorrell S, Loeb KL, Le Grange D

Rituals and preoccupations associated with bulimia nervosa in adolescents: Does motivation to change matter?

European eating disorders review : the journal of the Eating Disorders Association

Gorrell S, Kinasz K, Hail L, Bruett L, Forsberg S, Lock J, Le Grange D

A test of the DSM-5 severity specifier for bulimia nervosa in adolescents: Can we anticipate clinical treatment outcomes?

The International journal of eating disorders

Gorrell S, Hail L, Kinasz K, Bruett L, Forsberg S, Delucchi K, Lock J, Le Grange D

Athlete Identity and Eating Pathology in Distance Runners: When Compulsive Exercise Matters.

Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology

Sasha Gorrell, Drew A. Anderson

Binge Eating Disorder.

Erin E. Reilly, Lisa M. Anderson, Lauren Ehrlich, Sasha Gorrell, Drew A. Anderson, Jennifer R. Shapiro

Choosing an Assessment Instrument/Method.

Drew Anderson, Erin E. Reilly, Lisa M. Anderson, Sasha Gorrell, Lauren E. Knauf

Assessment of Weight/Shape Implicit Bias Related to Attractiveness, Fear, and Disgust.

The Psychological Record

Timothy R. Ritzert, Lisa M. Anderson, Erin E. Reilly, Sasha Gorrell, John P. Forsyth, Drew A. Anderson

Gender-based differential item function for the difficulties in emotion regulation scale.

Personality and Individual Differences

Lisa M. Anderson, Erin E. Reilly, Sasha Gorrell, Katherine Schaumberg, Drew A. Anderson

Choosing an Assessment Instrument/Method.

Drew Anderson, Erin E. Reilly, Lisa M. Anderson, Sasha Gorrell, Lauren E. Knauf

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