Alexandra Degraeve, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar
+1 415 221-4810

Tacrolimus Pharmacokinetics is Associated with Gut Microbiota Diversity in Kidney Transplant Patients: Results from a Pilot Cross-Sectional Study.

Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics

Degraeve AL, Bindels LB, Haufroid V, Moudio S, Boland L, Delongie KA, Dewulf JP, Eddour DC, Mourad M, Elens L

Gut microbiome modulates tacrolimus pharmacokinetics through the transcriptional regulation of ABCB1.


Degraeve AL, Haufroid V, Loriot A, Gatto L, Andries V, Vereecke L, Elens L, Bindels LB

Predictors of tacrolimus pharmacokinetic variability: current evidences and future perspectives.

Expert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicology

Degraeve AL, Moudio S, Haufroid V, Chaib Eddour D, Mourad M, Bindels LB, Elens L

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