Evan Walker, MD

Assistant Professor

Dr. Walker is a medical oncologist with a specific focus on gastrointestinal cancers. He maintains clinical practices at UCSF and the San Francisco VA.


Safety and preliminary efficacy of ivaltinostat, an HDAC inhibitor, plus capecitabine in patients with pretreated metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma (mPDAC): Results of a phase Ib study.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Christos Fountzilas, Andrew H. Ko, Erkut Hasan Borazanci, James Thomas D'Olimpio, Joel R Hecht, Shou-Ching Tang, Anthony F. Shields, Mohamad Adham Salkeni, glenn C michelson, Lorna Liganor, Gene Cho, Sangsook Ahn Cho, Evan Justin Walker

An Exercise in Clinical Reasoning: Use of Social Context in Diagnosing an Elevated Lactate.

Journal of general internal medicine

Chang RS, Ow GM, Walker EJ, Brooks K, Lai AR

Informed decision-making about germline testing among Veterans with advanced prostate cancer (APC): A mixed-methods study.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Daniel H Kwon, Marissa McPhaul, Saffanat Sumra, Carling Jade Ursem, Evan Justin Walker, Maren Theresa Scheuner, Sunny Wang, Rahul Raj Aggarwal, Franklin W. Huang, Jeffrey Belkora

A randomized, multi-center, phase 2 study of ivaltinostat (Ival) plus capecitabine (Cape) versus capecitabine alone in the maintenance setting in patients with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma (mPDAC).

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Christos Fountzilas, Andrew H. Ko, Erkut Hasan Borazanci, James Thomas D'Olimpio, J. Randolph Hecht, Shou-Ching Tang, Anthony F. Shields, Mohamad Adham Salkeni, Glenn Michelson, Gene Cho, Lorna Liganor, Sangsook Ahn Cho, Evan Justin Walker

Challenges in patient-centered germline testing delivery for veterans with advanced prostate cancer (APC).

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Daniel H Kwon, Marissa McPhaul, Eliza Hearst, Saffanat Sumra, Carling Jade Ursem, Evan Justin Walker, Maren Theresa Scheuner, Sunny Wang, Rahul Raj Aggarwal, Franklin W. Huang, Jeffrey Belkora

Results of the safety and tolerability of ivaltinostat plus capecitabine in the phase 1b portion of a phase 1b/2, dose-escalation, randomized, multi-center study in the maintenance (maint) setting in patients with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma (mPD

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Evan Justin Walker, Christos Fountzilas, Erkut Hasan Borazanci, Anthony F. Shields, James Thomas D'Olimpio, J. Randolph Hecht, Shou-Ching Tang, Glenn Michelson, Lorna Liganor, Sangsook Ahn Cho, Andrew H. Ko

A phase 1b/2, dose-escalation, randomized, multicenter study of maintenance (maint) ivaltinostat (ival) plus capecitabine (cap) or capecitabine monotherapy in patients (pts) with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC) whose disease has not progressed

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Evan Justin Walker, Erkut Hasan Borazanci, Gehan Botrus, Christos Fountzilas, J. Randolph Hecht, Anup Kasi, Niharika B. Mettu, Shubham Pant, Glenn Michelson, Gene Cho, Sangsook Ahn Cho, Lorna Liganor, Andrew H. Ko

The Gut Microbiome in Colorectal Cancer.

Hematology/oncology clinics of North America

Piawah S, Walker EJ, Van Blarigan EL, Atreya CE

The Additional Diagnostic Benefit of Pancreatic Cancer Molecular Profiling After Germline Testing.


Walker EJ, Blanco AM, Carnevale J, Cinar P, Collisson EA, Tempero MA, Ko AH

The VA My Life My Story Project: Keeping Medical Students and Veterans Socially Connected While Physically Distanced.

Federal practitioner : for the health care professionals of the VA, DoD, and PHS

Walker E, Bruns E, Dhaliwal G

Implementation of an embedded in-clinic genetic testing station to optimize germline testing for patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

The oncologist

Walker EJ, Goldberg D, Gordon KM, Pedley C, Carnevale J, Cinar P, Collisson EA, Tempero MA, Ko AH, Blanco AM, Dhawan M

Investigating tumor molecular profiling as a possible contributor to racial/ethnic disparities in pancreatic cancer.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Evan Justin Walker, Sorbarikor Piawah, Ann Griffin, Julia C. Carnevale, Pelin Cinar, Eric Andrew Collisson, Margaret A. Tempero, Andrew H. Ko

Anxious, Depressed, and Planning for the Future: Advance Care Planning in Diverse Older Adults.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

McMahan RD, Barnes DE, Ritchie CS, Jin C, Shi Y, David D, Walker EJ, Tang VL, Sudore RL

Postoperative Exacerbation of Oxaliplatin-induced Neurotoxicity in Gastrointestinal Cancers: A Case Series.

Anticancer research

Gonzalez A, Walker EJ, Van Loon K, Cinar P, Atreya CE

Referral frequency, attrition rate, and outcomes of germline testing in patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

Familial cancer

Walker EJ, Carnevale J, Pedley C, Blanco A, Chan S, Collisson EA, Tempero MA, Ko AH

A Protean Protein.

Journal of hospital medicine

Nawas MT, Walker EJ, Richie MB, White AA, Hsu G

Interprofessional primary care electronic intervention to reduce hypoglycaemic agent use in high-risk veterans with diabetes.

BMJ open quality

Upadhyay V, Walker E, Govea A, Rife T, Jimenez I, Dulay M, Beaman J

Advance Care Planning Documentation Practices and Accessibility in the Electronic Health Record: Implications for Patient Safety.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Walker E, McMahan R, Barnes D, Katen M, Lamas D, Sudore R

A Phase I Study of FOLFIRINOX Plus IPI-926, a Hedgehog Pathway Inhibitor, for Advanced Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma.


Ko AH, LoConte N, Tempero MA, Walker EJ, Kate Kelley R, Lewis S, Chang WC, Kantoff E, Vannier MW, Catenacci DV, Venook AP, Kindler HL

Metformin use among type 2 diabetics and risk of pancreatic cancer in a clinic-based case-control study.

International journal of cancer

Walker EJ, Ko AH, Holly EA, Bracci PM

Loss of the SxxSS motif in a human T-cell factor-4 isoform confers hypoxia resistance to liver cancer: an oncogenic switch in Wnt signaling.

PloS one

Koga H, Tsedensodnom O, Tomimaru Y, Walker EJ, Lee HC, Kim KM, Yano H, Wands JR, Kim M

Role of Raf Kinase Inhibitor Protein in Hepatocellular Carcinoma.

Forum on immunopathological diseases and therapeutics

Walker EJ, Rosenberg SA, Wands JR, Kim M

Abstract 4067: A T-cell factor-4 motif regulates the phenotype of hepatocellular carcinoma cells.

Cancer research

Hironori Koga, Evan J. Walker, Orkhontuya Tsedensodnom, Jack R. Wands, Miran Kim

Low density contrast agents for x-ray phase contrast imaging: the use of ambient air for x-ray angiography of excised murine liver tissue.

Physics in medicine and biology

Laperle CM, Hamilton TJ, Wintermeyer P, Walker EJ, Shi D, Anastasio MA, Derdak Z, Wands JR, Diebold G, Rose-Petruck C

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