Genetics in Medicine Open

Prevalence estimate of sphingosine phosphate lyase insufficiency syndrome in worldwide and select populations.

Genetics in Medicine Open

Joni C. Sedillo, Chansonette Badduke, Steven J. Schrodi, Vinod Scaria, Onur Emre Onat, Majid Alfadhel, Carole Ober, William Wentworth-Sheilds, Robert D. Steiner, Julie D. Saba

Prevalence estimate of sphingosine phosphate lyase insufficiency syndrome in worldwide and select populations.

Genetics in Medicine Open

Sedillo JC, Badduke C, Schrodi SJ, Scaria V, Onat OE, Alfadhel M, Ober C, Wentworth-Sheilds W, Steiner RD, Saba JD