Journal of Clinical Oncology

Safety and preliminary efficacy of ivaltinostat, an HDAC inhibitor, plus capecitabine in patients with pretreated metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma (mPDAC): Results of a phase Ib study.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Christos Fountzilas, Andrew H. Ko, Erkut Hasan Borazanci, James Thomas D'Olimpio, Joel R Hecht, Shou-Ching Tang, Anthony F. Shields, Mohamad Adham Salkeni, glenn C michelson, Lorna Liganor, Gene Cho, Sangsook Ahn Cho, Evan Justin Walker

Effect of breast tissue density on cell-free orphan non-coding RNAs secreted by breast cancers.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Jeremy Ku, Akshaya Krishnan, Kim Hue Mai, Alice Huang, Dang D Nguyen, Selina Chen, Rose Hanna, Noura Tbeileh, Jieyang Wang, Xuan Zhao, Nae-Chyun Chen, Helen Li, Anna Hartwig, Fereydoun Hormozdiari, Pat Arensdorf, Lee S. Schwartzberg, Babak Alipanahi, Hani Goodarzi

Informed decision-making about germline testing among Veterans with advanced prostate cancer (APC): A mixed-methods study.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Daniel H Kwon, Marissa McPhaul, Saffanat Sumra, Carling Jade Ursem, Evan Justin Walker, Maren Theresa Scheuner, Sunny Wang, Rahul Raj Aggarwal, Franklin W. Huang, Jeffrey Belkora

Harnessing cell-free orphan non-coding RNAs as a predictive measure of long-term survival in neoadjuvant breast cancer therapy.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Taylor B. Cavazos, Mehran Karimzadeh, Amir Momen-Roknabadi, Gillian L. Hirst, Lamorna Brown Swigart, Christina Yau, Dang Nguyen, Alice Huang, Selina Chen, Rose Hanna, Akshaya Krishnan, Anna Hartwig, Jennifer Yen, Irene Acerbi, Fereydoun Hormozdiari, Diane Heditsian, Laura Esserman, Laura van 't Veer, Hani Goodarzi, Babak Alipanahi

Challenges and solutions to recruiting diverse populations to oncology clinical trials: A mixed-methods study of clinical research coordinators.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Ana I. Velazquez Manana, Evelin Trejo, Sorbarikor Piawah, Celia Kaplan

A randomized, multi-center, phase 2 study of ivaltinostat (Ival) plus capecitabine (Cape) versus capecitabine alone in the maintenance setting in patients with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma (mPDAC).

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Christos Fountzilas, Andrew H. Ko, Erkut Hasan Borazanci, James Thomas D'Olimpio, J. Randolph Hecht, Shou-Ching Tang, Anthony F. Shields, Mohamad Adham Salkeni, Glenn Michelson, Gene Cho, Lorna Liganor, Sangsook Ahn Cho, Evan Justin Walker

Challenges in patient-centered germline testing delivery for veterans with advanced prostate cancer (APC).

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Daniel H Kwon, Marissa McPhaul, Eliza Hearst, Saffanat Sumra, Carling Jade Ursem, Evan Justin Walker, Maren Theresa Scheuner, Sunny Wang, Rahul Raj Aggarwal, Franklin W. Huang, Jeffrey Belkora

Results of the safety and tolerability of ivaltinostat plus capecitabine in the phase 1b portion of a phase 1b/2, dose-escalation, randomized, multi-center study in the maintenance (maint) setting in patients with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma (mPD

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Evan Justin Walker, Christos Fountzilas, Erkut Hasan Borazanci, Anthony F. Shields, James Thomas D'Olimpio, J. Randolph Hecht, Shou-Ching Tang, Glenn Michelson, Lorna Liganor, Sangsook Ahn Cho, Andrew H. Ko

Detection of early-stage cancers using circulating orphan non-coding RNAs in blood.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Mehran Karimzadeh, Jeffrey Wang, Taylor B. Cavazos, Lee S. Schwartzberg, Michael Multhaup, Jeremy Ku, Xuan Zhao, Jieyang Wang, Kathleen Wang, Rose Hanna, Patrick Arensdorf, Kimberly H Chau, Helen Li, Hani Goodarzi, Lisa Fish, Fereydoun Hormozdiari, Babak Alipanahi

Consensus molecular subtypes and orphan non-coding RNAs in colorectal cancer.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Jeffrey Wang, Mehran Karimzadeh, Taylor B. Cavazos, Afsaneh Barzi, Kathleen Wang, Rose Hanna, Patrick Arensdorf, Kimberly H. Chau, Helen Li, Hani Goodarzi, Lisa Fish, Fereydoun Hormozdiari, Babak Alipanahi
