A Mechanism for Tunable Autoinhibition in the Structure of a Human Ca2+/Calmodulin- Dependent Kinase II Holoenzyme.

Luke H. Chao, Margaret M. Stratton, Il-Hyung Lee, Oren S. Rosenberg, Joshua Levitz, Daniel J. Mandell, Tanja Kortemme, Jay T. Groves, Howard Schulman, John Kuriyan. A Mechanism for Tunable Autoinhibition in the Structure of a Human Ca2+/Calmodulin- Dependent Kinase II Holoenzyme. Cell. 2011 Oct 1; 147(3):704.


Luke H. Chao, Margaret M. Stratton, Il-Hyung Lee, Oren S. Rosenberg, Joshua Levitz, Daniel J. Mandell, Tanja Kortemme, Jay T. Groves, Howard Schulman, John Kuriyan