Mandana Khalili, MD
Chief of Clinical Hepatology, San Francisco General Hospital
Director, Clinical and Translational Research in Hepatology, San Francisco General Hospital
Director, Investigator Development Unit, UCSF Research Coordinating Center to Reduce Disparities in Multiple Chronic Diseases (Health Equity Action Network)
Co-Director, UCSF Mentor Training Program
Co-Director, UCSF T32 Hepatology Training Program
Editorial board member, Hepatology Journal
Mandana Khalili is a Professor of Medicine in the Department of Medicine and Chief of Clinical Hepatology at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (ZSFG). She also serves as the Director of Clinical and Translational Research in Hepatology at ZSFG. Her research focuses on assessing and addressing health disparities related to viral hepatitis, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, alcohol-associated liver disease, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma including natural history, pathogenesis, metabolic complications, healthcare access and novel treatments. She has a longstanding track record of extramural funding in these areas and has served as PI or co-PI of several NIH-sponsored national and international networks. She currently serves as a PI for the NIDDK-sponsored Liver Cirrhosis Network and also Hepatitis B Research Network assessing the natural history and optimal management of patients with hepatitis B and cirrhosis. Her group previously evaluated mechanisms of insulin resistance and secretion in Latinos with and without hepatitis C infection and is now examining how alcohol affects insulin action and adipose tissue insulin resistance among this at high-risk populations. In collaboration with two VA hospitals, she is evaluating the impact of COVID pandemic and transitions in care delivery on telemedicine satisfaction, quality of life, cirrhosis management, liver cancer screening and substance use among vulnerable populations in order to implement measures and policies to provide equitable liver care. Her group is also evaluating alcohol treatment in patients with liver disease using a novel stepped care motivational interviewing and addiction medicine treatment in the hepatology setting. Additional studies include examining patient and provider knowledge, attitudes and barriers to viral hepatitis and fatty liver disease management and implementing novel patient-centered as well as provider interventions such as education through mobile app to enhance patient care and address barriers to care. Her group’s recent efforts in developing an integrated model of shelter-based hepatitis C screening and treatment within large homeless shelters in San Francisco and Minnesota has been successful in scaling up hepatitis C management in persons who inject drugs and homeless residents. She is a member of the Liver Cancer San Francisco Cancer Initiative (SF-CAN), which in partnership with the City and County of San Francisco and other health and community partners, is using interventional strategies to reduce cancer in the city. Dr. Khalili is passionate about mentoring trainees and junior faculty and she has mentored numerous trainee and faculty at all career stages. She is a recipient of a NIH-sponsored K24 award in mentoring junior investigators in liver disease and the co-Director (co-PI) of the T32 Training in Hepatology. She has campus wide leadership roles in mentoring as the Director of UCSF Mentor Training Program. She also currently serves as the Director of Investigator Development Unit of the Research Coordinating Center to Reduce Disparities in Multiple Chronic Diseases sponsored by NIMHD. Her diverse research program including translational research, natural history and epidemiology, community/participatory research, health services/disparity, and clinical trials provides the infrastructure for supporting junior investigators and in transitioning them to independence.