Riley Bove, MD
Dr. Riley Bove is a practicing neurologist and clinician scientist in the UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences.
Dr. Bove is a national and international leader in sex and gender aspects of Neurology, publishing, collaborating and lecturing widely on this topic. She is PI of the first industry-sponsored Phase IV trial of a medication for use in pregnant and lactating people with MS and led the first RCT in menopausal women with MS. She is founding Director of the SAGE Neurology Program at UCSF, whose educational mission is supported by an NINDS R25 training grant. In the technology space, Dr. Bove has conducted innovative work designing, validating and implementing digital tools to improve care access, holistic measures of patient function, and as digital therapeutics. She is co-PI of the BRIDGE precision medicine dashboards that support delivery of point-of-care personalized medicine.
Dr. Bove graduated Phi Beta Kappa in anthropology from Harvard College, then conducted ethnographic study and film work on a Fulbright grant, learning from patients and families. She received her MD and MMSc from Harvard Medical School. She completed a neurology residency in the Massachusetts General/Brigham Hospitals program, followed by a clinical research fellowship at the Partners MS Center. Dr. Bove serves on the Science Committee of the American Academy of Neurology and is on the Editorial Board of Annals of Neurology and Neurology N2. Her research is supported by the NIH, Department of Defense, National MS Society, foundations and industry sources. She is committed to training the next generation of clinicians and scientists, and mentors students, doctoral and postdoctoral trainees in a variety of individualized clinical and training plans. Dr. Bove contributes to global neurology and equity initiatives through the Global Teleneurology Service and the BALANCE program.
Dr. Bove sees patients in the UCSF Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroinflammation Center where she provides comprehensive care for individuals with MS that is informed by their sex, gender, reproductive goals, and more broadly, by their life phase and goals. She speaks French and Spanish.