Victoria Keeton, PhD, RN, PNP

Ob/Gyn, Reproductive Sciences

My research and practice interests include maternal-child stress, social determinants of health, childhood obesity, school-based health, and nursing education. I am also interested in Latinx populations in the context of child and family health.


Unmet Social Needs and Patterns of Hair Cortisol Concentration in Mother-Child Dyads.

Chronic stress (Thousand Oaks, Calif.)

Keeton VF, Bidwell JT, de Mendonça Filho EJ, Silveira PP, Hessler D, Pantell MS, Wing H, Brown EM, Iott B, Gottlieb LM

Household Social Needs, Emotional Functioning, and Stress in Low-Income Latinx Children and their Mothers.

Journal of child and family studies

Keeton VF, Bell JF, Drake C, Fernandez Y Garcia EO, Pantell M, Hessler D, Wing H, Silveira PP, O'Donnell KJ, de Mendonça Filho EJ, Meaney MJ, Gottlieb LM

Social Needs and Acculturation as Predictors of Emotional Problems and Perceived Stress Among Latinx Mothers with Low Income.

Journal of immigrant and minority health

Keeton VF, Bell JF, Gottlieb LM, Drake C, Pantell M, Hessler D, Wing H, Fernandez Y Garcia EO

Exposure to antenatal corticosteroids and infant cortisol regulation.


Weiss SJ, Keeton V, Richoux S, Cooper B, Niemann S

Caregiver Characteristics and Outcomes Associated With Level of Care Complexity for Older Adults.

Research in gerontological nursing

Bell JF, Whitney RL, Keeton V, Young HM

Salivary cytokine cluster moderates the association between caregivers perceived stress and emotional functioning in youth.

Brain, behavior, and immunity

Parent C, Pokhvisneva I, de Mendonça Filho EJ, O'Donnell KJ, Meaney MJ, Kee MZL, Thng G, Wing H, Adler NE, Keeton V, Pantell MS, Hessler D, Gottlieb LM, Silveira PP

Nutrition Standards For Infants and Young Children can be Implemented by Family Child Care Home Providers.

Global pediatric health

Ritchie LD, Keeton V, Lee DL, Gurzo K, Homel Vitale E, Au LE, Alkon A

Effects of In-Person Assistance vs Personalized Written Resources About Social Services on Household Social Risks and Child and Caregiver Health: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

JAMA network open

Gottlieb LM, Adler NE, Wing H, Velazquez D, Keeton V, Romero A, Hernandez M, Munoz Vera A, Urrutia Caceres E, Arevalo C, Herrera P, Bernal Suarez M, Hessler D

Barriers and facilitators to healthy eating among low-income Latino adolescents.


Beck AL, Iturralde E, Haya-Fisher J, Kim S, Keeton V, Fernandez A

School-based health centers in an era of health care reform: building on history.

Current problems in pediatric and adolescent health care

Keeton V, Soleimanpour S, Brindis CD

Immunization updates and challenges.

Current opinion in pediatrics

Keeton VF, Chen AK

Update on physical activity including special needs populations.

Current opinion in pediatrics

Keeton VF, Kennedy C

Promotion of physical activity in children.

Current opinion in pediatrics

Floriani V, Kennedy C

Continuous professional development: raising the bar for pediatricians.


Sectish TC, Floriani V, Badat MC, Perelman R, Bernstein HH

Diagnosis and management of attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder in children.

Current opinion in pediatrics

Kirby K, Floriani V, Bernstein H