095 Single-cell Profiling Reveals a Highly Specific, Compartmentalized Functional Response in the Cutaneous Immune System.

Y. Liu, C. Cook, P. Haririchian, R. Ricardo-Gonzalez, J.P. North, A. Charruyer, R. Ghadially, R.J. Cho, J.B. Cheng. 095 Single-cell Profiling Reveals a Highly Specific, Compartmentalized Functional Response in the Cutaneous Immune System. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2020 Jul 1; 140(7):s11.


Y. Liu, C. Cook, P. Haririchian, R. Ricardo-Gonzalez, J.P. North, A. Charruyer, R. Ghadially, R.J. Cho, J.B. Cheng