Journal of Investigative Dermatology

218 Staphylococcus aureus-specific skin resident memory T cells protect against bacteria colonization but exacerbate atopic dermatitis-like flares in mice.

Journal of Investigative Dermatology

C. Braun, C. Badiou, A. Guironnet-Paquet, M. Iwata, V. Lenief, A. Mosnier, C. Beauclair, E. Renucci, P. Bouchon, R. Cuzin, Y. Briend, V. Patra, S. Patot, T. Scharschmidt, W. van Wamel, N. Lemmens, S. Nakajima, F. Vandenesh, J.-F. Nicolas, G. Lina, A. Nosbaum, M. Vocanson

LB1714 Increased epidermal penetration in aged skin modulates systemic inflammation.

Journal of Investigative Dermatology

A. Celli, M. Man, J. Gonzalez, T. Parenteau, J.M. Meyer, P. Elias, K. Abuabara, C. Grunfeld, T.C. Scharschmidt, T. Mauro

012 Tissue-specific manipulation of regulatory T cells reveals the skin to be a site of immune tolerance.

Journal of Investigative Dermatology

J. Cohen, J. Moreau, V. Gouirand, C. Macon, I. Boothby, I. Gratz, A. Stoecklinger, C. Weaver, A. Sharpe, R. Ricardo-Gonzalez, M. Rosenblum

561 Filaggrin deficiency confers an altered early life T cell response to commensal skin bacteria.

Journal of Investigative Dermatology

J. Gonzalez, T. Scharschmidt

716 Supporting diversity in skin science: Development of a summer curriculum for underrepresented minority medical students.

Journal of Investigative Dermatology

M. Paul, J. Lester, R. Ricardo-Gonzalez, H. Naik

095 Single-cell Profiling Reveals a Highly Specific, Compartmentalized Functional Response in the Cutaneous Immune System.

Journal of Investigative Dermatology

Y. Liu, C. Cook, P. Haririchian, R. Ricardo-Gonzalez, J.P. North, A. Charruyer, R. Ghadially, R.J. Cho, J.B. Cheng

012 Dynamics of alpha beta T cell accumulation in human fetal skin.

Journal of Investigative Dermatology

M.O. Dhariwala, K.S. Vasquez, M.L. Pauli, M. Rosenblum, T.C. Scharschmidt

012 Dynamics of alpha beta T cell accumulation in human fetal skin.

Journal of Investigative Dermatology

M.O. Dhariwala,K.S. Vasquez,M.L. Pauli,M. Rosenblum,T.C. Scharschmidt
