The American journal of gastroenterology

The Debate is Over: Continue Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor Therapy Throughout Pregnancy.

The American journal of gastroenterology

Mao EJ, Mahadevan U

Pregnancy Outcomes Reported During the 13-Year TREAT Registry: A Descriptive Report.

The American journal of gastroenterology

Lichtenstein GR, Feagan BG, Mahadevan U, Salzberg BA, Langholff W, Morgan JG, Safdi M, Nissinen R, Taillard F, Sandborn WJ, Cohen RD

Acute Liver Failure of Indeterminate Etiology: A Comprehensive Systematic Approach by An Expert Committee to Establish Causality.

The American journal of gastroenterology

Ganger DR, Rule J, Rakela J, Bass N, Reuben A, Stravitz RT, Sussman N, Larson AM, James L, Chiu C, Lee WM

The Impact of Albumin Use on Resolution of Hyponatremia in Hospitalized Patients With Cirrhosis.

The American journal of gastroenterology

Bajaj JS, Tandon P, O'Leary JG, Biggins SW, Wong F, Kamath PS, Garcia-Tsao G, Maliakkal B, Lai JC, Fallon M, Thuluvath P, Vargas HE, Subramanian RM, Thacker LR, Reddy RK

Hospitalizations for Autoimmune Hepatitis Disproportionately Affect Black and Latino Americans.

The American journal of gastroenterology

Wen JW, Kohn MA, Wong R, Somsouk M, Khalili M, Maher J, Tana MM

Prediction of Fungal Infection Development and Their Impact on Survival Using the NACSELD Cohort.

The American journal of gastroenterology

Bajaj JS, Reddy RK, Tandon P, Wong F, Kamath PS, Biggins SW, Garcia-Tsao G, Fallon M, Maliakkal B, Lai J, Vargas HE, Subramanian RM, Thuluvath P, Thacker LR, O'Leary JG

The Liver Frailty Index Improves Mortality Prediction of the Subjective Clinician Assessment in Patients With Cirrhosis.

The American journal of gastroenterology

Lai JC, Covinsky KE, McCulloch CE, Feng S

Dramatic Increase in Incidence of Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease (1988-2011): A Population-Based Study of French Adolescents.

The American journal of gastroenterology

Ghione S, Sarter H, Fumery M, Armengol-Debeir L, Savoye G, Ley D, Spyckerelle C, Pariente B, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Turck D, Gower-Rousseau C, Andre JM, Antonietti M, Aouakli A, Armand A, Aroichane I, Assi F, Aubet JP, Auxenfants E, Ayafi-Ramelot F, Bankovski D, Barbry B, Bardoux N, Baron P, Baudet A, Bazin B, Bebahani A, Becqwort JP, Benet V, Benali H, Benguigui C, Soussan BE, Bental A, Berkelmans I, Bernet J, Bernou K, Bernou-Dron C, Bertot P, Bertiaux-Vandaële N, Bertrand V, Billoud E, Biron N, Bismuth B, Bleuet M, Blondel F, Blondin V, Bohon P, Boniface E, Bonnière P, Bonvarlet E, Bonvarlet P, Boruchowicz A, Bostvironnois R, Boualit M, Bouche B, Boudaillez C, Bourgeaux C, Bourgeois M, Bourguet A, Bourienne A, Branche J, Bray G, Brazier F, Breban P, Brihier H, Brung-Lefebvre V, Bulois P, Burgiere P, Butel J, Canva JY, Canva-Delcambre V, Capron JP, Cardot F, Carpentier P, Cartier E, Cassar JF, Cassagnou M, Castex JF, Catala P, Cattan S, Catteau S, Caujolle B, Cayron G, Chandelier C, Chantre M, Charles J, Charneau T, Chavance-Thelu M, Chirita D, Choteau A, Claerbout JF, Clergue PY, Coevoet H, Cohen G, Collet R, Colombel JF, Coopman S, Corvisart J, Cortot A, Couttenier F, Crinquette JF, Crombe V, Dadamessi I, Dapvril V, Davion T, Dautreme S, Debas J, Degrave N, Dehont F, Delatre C, Delcenserie R, Delette O, Delgrange T, Delhoustal L, Delmotte JS, Demmane S, Deregnaucourt G, Descombes P, Desechalliers JP, Desmet P, Desreumaux P, Desseaux G, Desurmont P, Devienne A, Devouge E, Devred M, Devroux A, Dewailly A, Dharancy S, Di Fiore A, Djeddi D, Djedir R, Dreher-Duwat ML, Dubois R, Dubuque C, Ducatillon P, Duclay J, Ducrocq B, Ducrot F, Ducrotte P, Dufilho A, Duhamel C, Dujardin D, Dumant-Forest C, Dupas JL, Dupont F, Duranton Y, Duriez A, El Achkar K, El Farisi M, Elie C, Elie-Legrand MC, Elkhaki A, Eoche M, Evrard D, Evrard JP, Fatome A, Filoche B, Finet L, Flahaut M, Flamme C, Foissey D, Fournier P, Foutrein-Comes MC, Foutrein P, Fremond D, Frere T, Fumery M, Gallet P, Gamblin C, Ganga-Zandzou PS, Gérard R, Geslin G, Gheyssens Y, Ghossini N, Ghrib S, Gilbert T, Gillet B, Godard D, Godard P, Godchaux JM, Godchaux R, Goegebeur G, Goria O, Gottrand F, Gower P, Grandmaison B, Groux M, Guedon C, Guillard JF, Guillem L, Guillemot F, Guimber D, Haddouche B, Hakim S, Hanon D, Hautefeuille V, Heckestweiller P, Hecquet G, Hedde JP, Hellal H, Henneresse PE, Heyman B, Heraud M, Herve S, Hochain P, Houssin-Bailly L, Houcke P, Huguenin B, Iobagiu S, Ivanovic A, Iwanicki-Caron I, Janicki E, Jarry M, Jeu J, Joly JP, Jonas C, Katherin F, Kerleveo A, Khachfe A, Kiriakos A, Kiriakos J, Klein O, Kohut M, Kornhauser R, Koutsomanis D, Laberenne JE, Laffineur G, Lagarde M, Lannoy P, Lapchin J, Lapprand M, Laude D, Leblanc R, Lecieux P, Leclerc N, Le Couteulx C, Ledent J, Lefebvre J, Lefiliatre P, Legrand C, Le Grix A, Lelong P, Leluyer B, Lenaerts C, Lepileur L, Leplat A, Lepoutre-Dujardin E, Leroi H, Leroy MY, Lesage JP, Lesage X, Lesage J, Lescanne-Darchis I, Lescut J, Lescut D, Leurent B, Levy P, Lhermie M, Lion A, Lisambert B, Loire F, Louf S, Louvet A, Luciani M, Lucidarme D, Lugand J, Macaigne O, Maetz D, Maillard D, Mancheron H, Manolache O, Marks-Brunel AB, Marti R, Martin F, Martin G, Marzloff E, Mathurin P, Mauillon J, Maunoury V, Maupas JL, Mesnard B, Metayer P, Methari L, Meurisse B, Meurisse F, Michaud L, Mirmaran X, Modaine P, Monthe A, Morel L, Mortier PE, Moulin E, Mouterde O, Mudry J, Nachury M, Khac NE, Notteghem B, Ollevier V, Ostyn A, Ouraghi A, Ouvry D, Paillot B, Panien-Claudot N, Paoletti C, Papazian A, Parent B, Pariente B, Paris JC, Patrier P, Paupart L, Pauwels B, Pauwels M, Petit R, Piat M, Piotte S, Plane C, Plouvier B, Pollet E, Pommelet P, Pop D, Pordes C, Pouchain G, Prades P, Prevost A, Prevost JC, Quesnel B, Queuniet AM, Quinton JF, Rabache A, Rabelle P, Raclot G, Ratajczyk S, Rault D, Razemon V, Reix N, Revillon M, Richez C, Robinson P, Rodriguez J, Roger J, Roux JM, Rudelli A, Saber A, Savoye G, Schlosseberg P, et al

Inadequate Utilization of Diagnostic Colonoscopy Following Abnormal FIT Results in an Integrated Safety-Net System.

The American journal of gastroenterology

Issaka RB, Singh MH, Oshima SM, Laleau VJ, Rachocki CD, Chen EH, Day LW, Sarkar U, Somsouk M
