The American journal of gastroenterology

The Effect of Low-dose Aspirin on Disease Activity in Pregnant Individuals with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

The American journal of gastroenterology

Memel Z, Yu A, Fenton C, Wen T, Irani RA, Zhang L, Mahadevan U

Sex differences in patient-reported outcomes and perception of ascites burden amongst outpatients with decompensated cirrhosis and ascites.: Sex Differences in Ascites Burden Perception.

The American journal of gastroenterology

Wong F, Reddy KR, Tandon P, Lai JC, Garcia-Tsao G, O'Leary JG, Biggins SW, Vagas HE, Thacker L, Kamath PS, Bajaj JS, NACSELD III Study Group

Using phosphatidylethanol as an adjunct to self-reported alcohol use improves identification of liver fibrosis risk.

The American journal of gastroenterology

Murnane PM, Afshar M, Chamie G, Cook RL, Ferguson T, Haque LY, Jacobson KR, Justice AC, Kim TW, Khalili M, Krupitsky E, McGinnis KA, Molina P, Muyindike WR, Myers B, Richards VL, So-Armah K, Stewart S, Sulkowski MS, Tien PC, Hahn JA

Psychological Distress is Prevalent and Interdependent Among Patients with Decompensated Cirrhosis and Their Caregivers.

The American journal of gastroenterology

Ufere NN, Zeng C, Donlan J, Shalev D, Kaplan A, Noll A, Liu A, Pintro K, Horick N, Indriolo T, Li L, Zhu E, Armstrong ME, Mason N, Engel KG, Rowland M, O'Brien K, Kenimer S, Diop MS, Jackson V, Lai JC, Chung RT, Jacobs JM, Edelen M, El-Jawahri A

The Liver Cirrhosis Network Cohort Study: Cirrhosis Definition, Study Population, and Endpoints.

The American journal of gastroenterology

Tapper EB, Goldberg D, Parikh ND, Terrault NA, Welch N, Sharpton S, Hameed B, Khalili M, Stolz A, Verna EC, Brown RS, Sanyal AJ, VanWagner L, Ladner DP, Moylan CA, Diehl AM, Jones PD, Loomba RC, Dasarathy S, Simonetto DA, Shah VH, Bajaj JS, LCN Study Group

Electronic coding for abnormal fecal immunochemical test is associated with increased colonoscopy completion.

The American journal of gastroenterology

Burns S, Griffith M, Patel S, Sarkar U, Somsouk M

Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes in Vedolizumab and Ustekinumab Exposed Pregnancies: Results from the PIANO registry.

The American journal of gastroenterology

Chugh R, Long MD, Jiang Y, Weaver KN, Beaulieu DB, Scherl EJ, Mahadevan U

Withdrawal of long-term nucleotide analogue therapy in chronic hepatitis B: Outcomes from the withdrawal phase of the HBRN immune active treatment trial.

The American journal of gastroenterology

Feld JJ, Wahed AS, Fried M, Ghany MG, Di Bisceglie AM, Perrillo RP, Khalili M, Yang X, Belle SH, Janssen H, Terrault N, Lok AS, Hepatitis B Research Network (HBRN)

Randomized Trial of Tenofovir With or Without Peginterferon Alfa Followed by Protocolized Treatment Withdrawal in Adults With Chronic Hepatitis B.

The American journal of gastroenterology

Terrault NA, Lok AS, Wahed AS, Ghany MG, Perrillo RP, Fried MW, Wong DK, Khalili M, Lau DTY, Sterling RK, Di Bisceglie AM, Lisker-Melman M, Cooper SL, Chung RT, Patel K, Roberts LR, Belle SH, Janssen HLA, Hepatitis B Research Network
