Computational and structural biotechnology journal

The topography of nullomer-emerging mutations and their relevance to human disease.

Computational and structural biotechnology journal

Candace S.Y. Chan, Ioannis Mouratidis, Austin Montgomery, Georgios Christos Tsiatsianis, Nikol Chantzi, Martin Hemberg, Nadav Ahituv, Ilias Georgakopoulos-Soares

The topography of nullomer-emerging mutations and their relevance to human disease.

Computational and structural biotechnology journal

Chan CSY, Mouratidis I, Montgomery A, Tsiatsianis GC, Chantzi N, Hemberg M, Ahituv N, Georgakopoulos-Soares I

Spatial and temporal dynamics of microbiomes and resistomes in broiler litter stockpiles.

Computational and structural biotechnology journal

Gupta CL, Avidov R, Kattusamy K, Saadi I, Varma VS, Blum SE, Zhu YG, Zhou XY, Su JQ, Laor Y, Cytryn E